Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Arrival

Ok, found a little bit of motivation to blog...

So I "evicted" my sweet baby girl on Sunday night 2/27/11, but she still wasn't ready. I was in labor for 26 hours before she decided it was time. Emma Claire Entwistle was born 2/28/11 @ 9:40 p.m. All this baby stuff is so new to me, and there's no way anyone could have tried to prepare me for it! The labor was intense, I had shooting neck and shoulder pain during contractions, and there was no pain control for it. Matt took a picture of my contractions on the monitor, and there were little jagged lines on all the really painful ones. It was bad! Luckily after only 45 minutes of pushing she came out happy and healthy. We absolutely love her.

 Matt went back to work last Tuesday, so for the last 2 weeks it's been me and Emma at home. I was so excited for the pregnancy to be over, so that I could be rid of all the pains and aches, but you really just exchange the prego pains for sleepless nights and for me, "downstairs" repair pain (I had a 2nd degree tear. Ugh). I'm learning as I go, luckily I have had some great experience with my nieces and nephews, but this is definitely a full time, 24 hour job!! I rarely have time to brush my teeth or wash my face, two things I used to do on a routine basis. I'm very lucky if I get time for lunch, or even a snack! Between feeding her every 2-3 hours, pumping breast milk, and trying to keep the house clean, I just can't find any time for myself. That's been rough!! Matt does get home home and relieves me of my Mommy duties so I can at least shower. She is an absolute angel and even though it's been hard to adjust, it is so worth it. I love being a Mom and taking care of Emma.

She is very mellow (she gets that from Matt) and doesn't really mind much. She only cries when she is hungry, poopy, or tired. We even went to the doctor yesterday and they gave her a vaccine, and she only cried for about a minute during the initial needle poke, and then fell right to sleep. She is a very relaxed baby, which makes it great for first time parents!

We are very excited for next weekend, when we will all be sealed as a family. Matt's parents are also coming down, and we are all very excited for that too! Next weekend will be crazy for sure- Saturday is the sealing, then a family brunch- Sunday is her blessing in church, followed by another family dinner. I've got to find some time to buy a dress for Saturday as well. Yikes! Anyways, here are some pictures of our little angel.

Emma and Daddy

prior to birth, waiting for Emma

These were my contractions, if you look closely the jagged lines were the worst part.

Finally here!

SO tired.

she was a bit jaundice, so they had to put her under these lights. It was so hard to see her in there!

These are her toes. Matt and I both have long toes, and she has them too!

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